Article ETHIS
Who Said Prophet Muhammad S.A.W Was Poor?!
Published on 6 Jun 2022
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We, as good Muslims, must always respect and love our role model, the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Allah Subhanahu wa Ta'ala says which means:
"Indeed, the Messenger of Allah has a good role model for you, especially for those who hope (grace) Allah and (there is) the Day of Resurrection,"
In his commentary, Imam Ibnu Katsir Rahimahullah explains this verse: "This verse is the argument that we must emulate the Prophet ﷺ in his words, deeds, and circumstances (life)" (Tafsir Ibnu Katsir)
From here the scholars concluded that basically, we have to follow his sunnah. We must emulate the Prophet ﷺ in various aspects of life, including how the Prophet ﷺ dealt with his wealth.
Ironically, some people think that the lack of progress in the Muslim community is caused by the fact that the Prophet ﷺ was poor. They say that based on stories about how the Prophet ﷺ was a simple man, even going to sleep several times hungry.
That's not the case. We as Muslims are not worthy to say that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was a poor person, especially with the intention of condescending.
Rasulullah ﷺ was born from Bani Hasyim, one of the most respected families of that era. Many of them are rich. He also followed his grandfather in trading from a young age, so he was an expert in trading and earning profits from trading.
He was nicknamed Al-Amin (The Trusted). People enjoyed dealing with the Prophet ﷺ because of his honesty, and he continued to trade until he finally married Khadijah Radhiyallahu Anha, his first wife.
It is mentioned in Sirah Ibn Hisham, that his dowry ﷺ when he married Khadijah was 20 Bakrah camels. Of course, the camel is a very expensive animal. We, who already feel rich, don't necessarily dare to marry someone's child with such a large dowry.
It is also stated in the Thabaqat Asy Syafi'i: Rasulullah ﷺ is not a poor person. Although sometimes he was hungry, it was not because of his poverty and weakness. However, he chose to live a simple life, because he spent all his wealth in the way of Allah.
Actually there are many other proofs that the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ was not a poor person. It's just that because of his great concern for his people, and his love for the poor, he donated most of his wealth.
In Islam, wealth is not only about how much wealth is stored. The essence of a Muslim's wealth is the wealth of the heart, and how he feels rich with what Allah has given him.
Islam also does not denounce rich people. This is proven by the many prayers asking about the wealth of the world. The important thing is, when we get wealth, we must realize that it is sustenance from Allah, and we must be able to spend it on the right path.
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